Barrio Viejo Gallery
Barrio Stories Reclaiming space!
March 3rd-6th, 2016, at the Tucson Convention Center and Sosa-Carrillo-Fremont House Museum
- Stories from interviews inspired vignettes performed at the TCC, where Barrio Viejo used to be
- Big Head puppets by Zarco Guerrero tell the story of La Calle
- Performers re-enact memories from Barrio Viejo in the TCC Plaza, where part of the neighborhood once stood.
- Stories from interviews inspired playwrights to create vignettes performed throughout the spaces where La Calle used to be.
Audio Talk-backs: Reflections on Barrio Stories by audience members
Barrio Stories Photo Booth
Historical Photos
Barrio Monologues
May 16, 2015, Sosa-Carrillo-Fremont House Museum
Classroom Photos
Pima Community College ‘Theatricalizing Oral Histories’ class with TRIO Upward Bound Students, Instructor Milta Ortiz